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Aleja na Skarpie 23 - Śródmieście Południowe

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Aleja na Skarpie number 23 - the mansion of Bohdan Pniewski. During the Warsaw Uprising it was the important place of resistance of the Home Army battalion "Miłosz".
On a marble stairway surface the marks of insurgent's blood are still visible. The soldier was wounded with a bullet from a German tank.
The above-mentioned information can be read on a plaque over there.
Nearby a memorial plaque dedicated to the soldiers of the company "Reda" from the Home Army battalion "Miłosz" as well as few cabinets with the Uprising keepsakes have been placed.

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edited by: Maciej Janaszek-Seydlitz
pictures taken by: Maciej Janaszek-Seydlitz
translated by: Monika Ałasa

Copyright © 2017 Maciej Janaszek-Seydlitz. All rights reserved.