The Aims of the Association

The aim of the Association is to continue the patriotic traditions of the nation and especially to cultivate the memory of heroic uprising from the year 1944. The Association wants to raise the young generations in the spirit of love to their Homeland, knowledge of their own history, respect, tolerance and self-esteem. The Association gathers the people of different ages and various professions who accept the founding rules of the Association and who are committed to active nurturing of Warsaw Uprising memory, to maintaining the liveliness of insurgents' ideas and ideals in the integration of contemporary generations as well as national identity.

Statute of the Association.
The Association is registered in the Regional Court for Warsaw municipality KRS 0000199533

Our Address of Correspondence:
The 1944 Warsaw Uprising Remembrance Association,
22 Długa Street,
00-238 Warsaw
Telephone: +48 668-842-802
+48 604-050-232
+48 798-998-812
Email: send an e-mail

Regon: 015777547
NIP: 525-23-05-960

Our Bank Account:
PKO BP SA I Branch (Odddział) Centrum Warsaw
Nr 68 1020 1013 0000 0702 0107 9979

translated by: Zofia Kozłowska-Sobczyk